One must learn to balance Doshas (energy), and Dhatus (Tissues) in order to maintain healthy body. The top most concern for everyone in our planet is Hair Health. According to Ayurveda, Hair Health/ hair growth is not something that merely be achieved through external applications of products like shampoos or conditioners.
Hair fall can be solved only by implementing some modifications in dietary and lifestyle along with shamana (pacifying therapy) and Shodhana therapies (purification therapies).
Here is the some of the best food tips to maintain good hair health.
- Amla in diet. (Eating raw amla or Drinking amla shot with hot water or mixing amla powder with ghee and have it before lunch).
- Moringa - It is the best ever herb, and great boon for our Indians (leaves, flowers, moringa sticks can be consumed regularly like soup or tea or salad or curry ( DONT OVERCOOK) Over cooking destroys most of the vitamins and enzymes.
- Brahmi - It is another famous gift of Ayurveda to human race, commonly known for its benefit in improving intelligence. can be consumed like tea or chewing few of the leaves regularly.
- Local season fruits/vegetables/meat products - Eat all your local season fruits, vegetables and meat products.
( General rule is "Be mindful in eating" eat slowly and chew completely, embrace your senses, and eat only when you are hungry)
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